πŸ’Š Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month - Issue 161 - Thyroid Family Newsletter

" Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month."

ISSUE 161, 5th September 2024

Welcome to all members of our thyroid family, new and old. It's lovely to have you here and a part of our community of thyroid patients wanting to thrive. πŸ€—

This free email newsletter goes out every two weeks on a Thursday and is the best way to keep up to date on all my work and hear directly from me without relying on social media algorithms!

I hope you'll find this issue inspiring, reassuring and useful in your own thyroid journey.

My aim is to share the information you need to live well with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's, as well as keep you up-to-date with what I'm doing in the thyroidsphere.


Thursday Thoughts

Thyroid Cancer is not the 'good' cancer.

Every year, September is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month.

This annual event was created to spread awareness of the symptoms and effects of thyroid cancer and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding thyroid disease, and thyroid cancer is no different.

Just because it has a high five year survival rate, and is usually very treatable, does not invalidate how hard it is for someone to go through. Cancer is cancer.

Treatment can be really tough, and then starting thyroid hormone replacement medication afterwards and taking a while to optimise treatment is another, separate struggle for many.

​Read about the signs, symptoms and treatment of thyroid cancer in my awareness article!​

And check out my thyroid patient book β€œβ€‹Be Your Own Thyroid Advocate: When You're Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired” for more support on thyroid issues.


Thursday Health Check-in

I'm continuing to take iron bisglycinate for low iron levels and will need to retest in a month or two's time. But I feel pretty good right now.

I also saw a dermatologist for my itchy and sore scalp... so I am hopeful to find out what's finally going on there.


Outro -

This newsletter includes thyroid research, events, news, articles, discounts, tips, advice, and links to popular social media posts from the last fortnight. Enjoy reading!


- Rachel Hill, The Invisible Hypothyroidism

Follow Rachel on: Facebook | Instagram | Threads | Twitter​


Sponsor a future issue of this newsletter and share your services or product with over 9,000 readers. 😊

Interested? Contact me for more info!

  • I am planning to move my newsletter provider soon, so it may look a little different!
  • My LetsGetChecked discount code is 25INVISIBLE for 25% off.
  • My Medichecks discount code is INVISIBLE10 for 10% off.
  • I am currently writing my fourth book, due to be released next year! View my first 3 books here.

September is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month

There are celebrities and those in the public eye who have been diagnosed and treated for thyroid cancer. These include musician Rod Stewart, actress Sofia Vergara, Argentinian president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and the band CHIMAIRA’s frontman, Mark Hunter.

​Read this article in full here.​

Should Thyroid Patients Get The Flu Vaccination?

Vaccinations are always a controversial topic and among thyroid patients, the flu shot / flu jab especially.

​Read this here.​


Can I Prevent My Child From Developing Hashimoto’s or Hypothyroidism?

"The thought of any future children having the same experience as me used to give me anxiety. Of course, no parent wants their child to suffer with something that could be more easily diagnosed and treated. So naturally, we can wonder whether there is a way to avoid them developing a thyroid condition at all."

​Read this here.​

The Most Popular Post From My Instagram page in The Last Fortnight:

Most Popular Reels From My Social Media in The Last Fortnight:

This is where I share my favourite thyroid health supporting tools and resources every fortnight. 😊

πŸ“– Book: Adrenal Transformation Protocol by Dr Izabella Wentz​

I finished this book last week. It has a lot of good information and pointers for those experiencing adrenal dysfunction on top of thyroid issues (which is quite common). Worth a read.


πŸ‘‚ Podcast Episode: 5 Ways To Ease Back in to The School Routine​

Lots of great tips for those of us with children going back to school this month, which can help to support our thyroid health too, such as letting some things go and managing stress and energy levels.


πŸ₯˜ Recipe: Gluten-free pumpkin pie recipe​

We needed an autumnal recipe for this newsletter!

You can read more on my approach to diet / dietary changes with thyroid disease here.


πŸ§ͺ Test: Thyroid and vitamin levels test​

I recently used this finger prick test to check my iron and thyroid levels again.

You can get 10% off with the code INVISIBLE10


πŸ’™ Self-Care: Reading

I feel great when I make time for reading, whether it's fiction or non-fiction. psst!! most non-fiction I read is on thyroid health, check out my previous book reviews here!

So I have been working on prioritising this for my mental health and wellbeing.


🌟 Other things I'm loving at the moment:

That's all for this issue of The Thyroid Family Newsletter, but you can find more information and support:

⭐ In my website articles!

⭐ In my books!

⭐ On my Facebook | Instagram | Threads | Twitter!


Keep an eye out for the next issue in two weeks time!

Rachel Hill, The Invisible Hypothyroidism


Please Note: None of the statements in this publication should be taken as an official endorsement of any particular product, including any sponsored content. I strongly suggest consulting your doctor before making any changes to your lifestyle or health regimen. The information included in this publication is not meant to substitute the clinical guidance provided by a healthcare professional. Rachel Hill / The Invisible Hypothyroidism is not medically qualified and does not offer medical advice. Read the full disclaimer here. By reading this newsletter, you agree to understanding this information.

This newsletter may also contain affiliate links where I earn a small commission if you purchase through it. This does not change the way I work or the products I link to, and it doesn’t change your user experience. To find out more information, please read my disclosure statement. For example, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


Copyright Β© 2024 The Invisible Hypothyroidism. All rights reserved.

Hi! I'm Rachel.

I run the Thyroid Family Newsletter. A two weekly newsletter for thyroid patients providing news, research, advice, tips and discounts in the thyroidsphere, to help them on their journey to better health from an award winning thyroid patient advocate.

Read more from Hi! I'm Rachel.

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