🀰 My Preterm Labour Scare - Issue 101 - The Thyroid Family Newsletter

"My Preterm Labour Scare."
ISSUE 101,
5th May 2022






Welcome, Thyroid Family, to Issue 101 of The Free Thyroid Family Newsletter.


The past week has a been a hugely eventful one. I write this newsletter, thankfully back at home, after spending three days in hospital following a preterm labour scare.


I was experiencing contractions at just 34 weeks pregnant, triggered by a sickness bug dehydrating me very quickly, among other factors involved, and ended up at the hospital where midwives and doctors worked amazingly quickly to get things stabilised and under control.


And although we're relieved that baby will be staying put a while longer and hopefully until the 37 week mark at least (this is when you're classed as 'full term'), we're still pretty shook up by the experience and exhausted by the whole event.


This week, I am trying my best to get as much tied up with my thyroid advocacy as work as possible. There was so much that I wanted to tick off before moving towards a much-reduced work schedule / maternity leave, but alas, much of it remains on my to-do list to tackle when I return to work in a more full capacity, probably next year.


To keep up to date with me during my reduced work / maternity leave period, make sure you're subscribed to these newsletters as well as my social media channels: Facebook | Instagram​


I'll share when I've given birth over there, as well as new content fairly regularly (I hope!)


This newsletter issue is titled "My Preterm Labour Scare" in regards to this eventful week, but it also includes information on thyroid related news and links to my most popular social media posts from the last fortnight. Enjoy reading.


And remember: if you find this free newsletter useful, you can upgrade to the premium version here and support the work I do as a thyroid advocate, so I can continue putting thyroid information out in to the world. πŸ¦‹ πŸ¦‹ πŸ¦‹


Happy reading, thyroid thrivers.

Rachel Hill
The Invisible Hypothyroidism

In the hospital last week


Follow Rachel on: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Pinterest​


πŸ‘€ In Case You Missed it...


May Thyroid Events


May always sees multiple thyroid awareness events.


This month, World Thyroid Day will be held on 25th May and International Thyroid Awareness Week 2022 is from May 25th - 31st.




Uterine fibroids increase the risk of thyroid goiter and thyroid nodules


"Uterine fibroid and benign thyroid disease are both common diseases in women. This study aimed to evaluate whether these diseases are related."


​Read this in full here.​








Surviving Thyroid Flare Ups When You’re a Parent


Navigating flares as a parent can be tricky because, among other things, you may not find it easy to get all the rest you need in order to recover quickly.


​Read my article here.​






Things to Pack for a Holiday With Thyroid Disease


As someone who has travelled quite a few times since having a thyroid condition, I am often asked what I do to prepare for the trip and make sure that I am able to enjoy it without my hypothyroidism getting in the way.


​Read it here!






This recent post from The Invisible Hypothyroidism's Instagram page was very popular:



The caption read:


"Did you know that heat intolerance can be another effect of thyroid disease?
Feeling hotter than those around you, experiencing hot flushes and not coping well in warm weather can all be signs."


​Click here to read the full Instagram post.


✨ Other Popular Instagram Posts These Past Two Weeks ✨


🌟 Your Body Deserves To Be Listened To​

❗ You Can't Push Through Thyroid Fatigue​


🎬 Latest Instagram Reels 🎬


🎡 Chronically ill song​

🍞 9 thyroid symptoms that improved by going gluten-free​

πŸ“ˆ Positive things hypothyroidism has taught me​

😴 Thyroid fatigue is not like normal tired​





Thyroid Medication Options


Did you know that there are multiple medication options for hypothyroidism?


Are you on the right one for you? Could a change in medication change your life?


​Read it here.​






Pill Organiser


Pill organisers can be super useful when being away from home and needing to take your medications and supplements with you, but also for home use.


I hear from many thyroid patients who take some time on a Sunday evening for example, to stock up their pill box with the next week's worth of meds and supps, then going through the week being able to see whether they've taken them that day.


​You can view a popular, inexpensive one on Amazon here.​


cup of hot beverage on the table





Reasons to upgrade to the ⭐ Premium ⭐ Thyroid Family Newsletter:


  • You'll receive exclusive thyroid health content.
  • You'll actually understand your thyroid condition and what things you can do to reduce symptoms.
  • You'll feel supported in managing your thyroid condition.
  • You'll receive easy to implement tips and suggestions.


If you already find this FREE newsletter helpful, the premium newsletter gives you even more.



Sound good? Come join us!





That's all for this issue of The Free Thyroid Family Newsletter, but as always, you can find more information and support...


⭐ In The Premium Newsletter​

⭐ In my website articles​

⭐ In my book: Be Your Own Thyroid Advocate​

⭐ In my book: You, Me and Hypothyroidism​

⭐ In the 'Thyroid Family' Facebook Support Group​


You can also follow me on: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Pinterest​


If there’s anything you'd like to see in a future issue, let me know. Keep an eye out for the next issue in two weeks' time!


Be your own thyroid advocate. πŸ¦‹

Rachel Hill
The Invisible Hypothyroidism



Please Note: None of the statements in this publication should be taken as an official endorsement of any particular product, including any sponsored content. I strongly suggest consulting your doctor before making any changes to your lifestyle or health regimen. The information included in this publication is not meant to substitute the clinical guidance provided by a healthcare professional. Rachel Hill / The Invisible Hypothyroidism is not medically qualified and does not offer medical advice. Read the full disclaimer here. By reading this newsletter, you agree to understanding this information.

This newsletter may also contain affiliate links where I earn a small commission if you purchase through it. This does not change the way I work or the products I link to, and it doesn’t change your user experience. To find out more information, please read my disclosure statement. For example, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


Copyright Β© 2022 The Invisible Hypothyroidism. All rights reserved.




Hi! I'm Rachel.

I run the Thyroid Family Newsletter. A two weekly newsletter for thyroid patients providing news, research, advice, tips and discounts in the thyroidsphere, to help them on their journey to better health from an award winning thyroid patient advocate.

Read more from Hi! I'm Rachel.

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