πŸ¦‹ I had to fight like hell - Issue 151 - Thyroid Family Newsletter

"I had to fight like hell"

ISSUE 151, 18th April 2024

Welcome to all members of our thyroid family, new and old. It's lovely to have you here and a part of our thyroid family. πŸ€—

This free email newsletter goes out every two weeks on a Thursday.

I hope you'll find this issue inspiring, reassuring and useful in your own thyroid journey.

My aim is to share the information you need to live well with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's, as well as keep you up-to-date with what I'm doing in the thyroidsphere!


Thursday Thoughts

As soon as I had the symptoms for hypothyroidism, I researched about it and learned that it was most often a chronic, lifelong disease, which felt devastating.

I ate pretty well and was very active, walking twenty miles a week, going to the gym four times a week, running one to two times a week and playing badminton on the weekends. Why did this happen to me?
When I felt at my absolute worst, finally diagnosed and on Levothyroxine yet feeling worse as time went on, I had a few months of despair, not being able to accept that I would feel this way forever - heavily fatigued, muscle pain, brain fog and so much more.
​And then something clicked. I realised I didn’t have to.​
I decided that I would make sure I didn’t have to live such a dreadful quality of life forever. I became strong in my ability to push for answers, to not accept β€˜no’ and to keep on going. I learned to advocate for myself.
Because the alternative, to live a half-life, just wasn’t an option to me. So I fought it as best as could and thankfully came out the other side stronger.
Through having this thyroid condition, it has changed who I am - I am wiser, more mature, stronger, take better care of myself and pay attention to how I now use my energy. Instead of running myself thin. It hasn’t been easy, but it has been worth it.
And now that I’m a parent to two amazing children, I have to carry on fighting whenever things get hard again, for them too.

What did I do? Many things! But it is all captured in my online articles and posts, though most concisely in the book:

"Be Your Own Thyroid Advocate." The Number 1 bestseller. :)


Thursday Health Check-in

I had a repeat of my iron levels - ferritin is still low, so I need to discuss what next steps are with the NHS GP. Failing that, I do also see a private GP for my thyroid condition, so I could get his opinion, but I'm keen to save money where possible, as private healthcare is hardly cheap.

I'll keep you posted!


Outro -

​This newsletter includes thyroid research, events, news, articles, discounts, tips, advice, and links to popular social media posts from the last fortnight. Enjoy reading!


- Rachel Hill, The Invisible Hypothyroidism

Follow Rachel on: Facebook | Instagram | Threads | Twitter​


Sponsor a future issue of this newsletter and share your services or product with over 8,600 readers. 😊

Interested? Email me for more info!

  • My LetsGetChecked discount code is 25INVISIBLE for 25% off.
  • My Medichecks discount code is INVISIBLE10 for 10% off.
  • I'm currently working my way through the hundreds of articles on my website and updating them one by one. Making sure information is still up to date and relevant is really important.

Nutrition and Autoimmune Thyroid Disease Talk

The Thyroid Trust are running an online event with Functional Medicine Practitioner Nicole Goode on Nutrition and Hashimoto's. This Sunday, more details here.


Here are some of my newest or recently updated articles!

Can You Drink Alcohol With Thyroid Issues?

Those with thyroid conditions such as hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s, and on thyroid medication such as Levothyroxine, Synthroid, Armour, Liothyronine etc. may find themselves asking:

  • Why don’t I tolerate alcohol as well as I did pre-diagnosis?
  • Can I drink alcohol while on thyroid medication?
  • Why do my hangovers or flares last so much longer?

Let’s look at the connection between alcohol and thyroid function.

​Read this article here.​


Can Hypothyroidism Cause High Cholesterol?

​Hypothyroidism is linked to cholesterol levels. An underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism can cause cholesterol to increase and you may not even be aware that this is the cause or a factor for your high cholesterol levels.

​Read more here.​

The Most Popular Post from My Instagram page in The Last Fortnight:

The Most Popular Reels From My Instagram page in The Last Fortnight:

This is where I share my favourite thyroid health supporting tools and resources every fortnight. 😊

πŸ“– Book: Thyroid Disease in a Nutshell by Jules Chandler

I'm halfway through this book and if you're looking for a thyroid book that is easy to follow, humorous and doesn't take itself seriously, this may be the one for you.


πŸ‘‚ Podcast Episode: How to cope when you're tired but can't rest​

In this episode of The Therapy Edit, Anna shares six tips that listeners can use to cope when they are really depleted and craving rest but are unable to find it. We hope those who are battling with exhaustion or who are struggling, find these suggestions useful.


πŸ₯˜ Recipe: The Hormone Healing Cookbook​

Thanks to this thyroid cookbook, I have changed up my breakfast to a power smoothie which is really helping me feel my best in the morning. I also love how the recipes are realistic and uncomplicated.

You can read more on my approach to diet / dietary changes with thyroid disease here.


πŸ§ͺ Test: Iron

Did you know that many people with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s also have low iron levels?


Low levels of iron can mimic a lot of the same symptoms of a thyroid condition, such as:

The test I personally use to check my iron is this one from Medichecks.


πŸ’™ Self-Care Nugget: Gardening

I have made a commitment to get more in to gardening this year. I started last year and really enjoyed it. My time is limited with small children, work and other committments to fulfil, so I've been exploring books that detail how to create a lovely but low-commitment garden space.

It's so good for the soul, mental health and physical health to not only spend time outside, but also incorporate the extra exercise that gardening creates.


🌟 Other things I'm loving at the moment:

That's all for this issue of The Thyroid Family Newsletter, but you can find more information and support:

⭐ In my website articles​

⭐ In my books​

⭐ In the 'Thyroid Family' Facebook Support Group​

⭐ On my Facebook | Instagram | Threads | Twitter


Keep an eye out for the next issue in two weeks' time!

Rachel Hill, The Invisible Hypothyroidism


Please Note: None of the statements in this publication should be taken as an official endorsement of any particular product, including any sponsored content. I strongly suggest consulting your doctor before making any changes to your lifestyle or health regimen. The information included in this publication is not meant to substitute the clinical guidance provided by a healthcare professional. Rachel Hill / The Invisible Hypothyroidism is not medically qualified and does not offer medical advice. Read the full disclaimer here. By reading this newsletter, you agree to understanding this information.

This newsletter may also contain affiliate links where I earn a small commission if you purchase through it. This does not change the way I work or the products I link to, and it doesn’t change your user experience. To find out more information, please read my disclosure statement. For example, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


Copyright Β© 2024 The Invisible Hypothyroidism. All rights reserved.

Hi! I'm Rachel.

I run the Thyroid Family Newsletter. A two weekly newsletter for thyroid patients providing news, research, advice, tips and discounts in the thyroidsphere, to help them on their journey to better health from an award winning thyroid patient advocate.

Read more from Hi! I'm Rachel.

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