🩸 How To Do Thyroid Tests. - Issue 149 - Thyroid Family Newsletter

"How To Do Thyroid Tests."

ISSUE 149, 21st March 2024

Welcome to all members of our thyroid family, new and old. It's lovely to have you here and a part of our thyroid family. 🤗

This free email newsletter goes out every two weeks on a Thursday.

I hope you'll find this issue inspiring, reassuring and useful in your own thyroid journey.

My aim is to share the information you need to live well with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's, as well as keep you up-to-date with what I'm doing in the thyroidsphere!

Thursday Thoughts

Do you know how to prepare for thyroid blood tests?

❓Taking your thyroid meds before a test can cause levels to peak and look higher than they actually are for most the day.

So you’ll get a more accurate result if you take them after the test.

❓Biotin can cause falsely elevated thyroid levels on test results, making you look overmedicated or hyperthyroid when you’re not.

Therefore, it is advised to not take it for at least 48-hours before a thyroid blood test.

❓Fasting - researchers have found that after eating, our TSH level becomes suppressed.

Therefore, your TSH level is likely to be at its highest and most reflective of its underlying status, when tested after fasting, in the early morning.

❓ Each time you have your thyroid tests done, you should aim for it to always be done at the same time, and under the same circumstances (i.e. fasting), so they’re as accurate and comparable as possible.

Given that you shouldn’t take your medication until after the draw, as early as possible in the morning and before 9am is preferable.

Find this helpful? SO MUCH MORE thyroid info is covered in my number 1 bestselling thyroid book "Be Your Own Thyroid Advocate".

Thursday Health Check-in

I ordered this test last week to check in again on my thyroid and vitamin levels. I was happy to see my thyroid hormone levels and Vitamin D still optimal and the Hashimoto's still in remission. But shocked to see my ferritin had dropped even lower!

I have just changed NHS GP surgery this week and aim to bring this up with them in an appointment soon.

I still feel very tired.

Outro -

This newsletter includes thyroid research, events, news, articles, discounts, tips, advice, and links to popular social media posts from the last fortnight. Enjoy reading!

- Rachel Hill, The Invisible Hypothyroidism

Follow Rachel on: Facebook | Instagram | Threads | Twitter

Sponsor a future issue of this newsletter and share your services or product with over 8,500 readers. 😊

Interested? Find out more here and email me for more info!

  • My LetsGetChecked discount code is 25INVISIBLE for 25% off.
  • My Medichecks discount code is INVISIBLE10 for 10% off.
  • I'm currently working my way through the hundreds of articles on my website and updating them one by one. Making sure information is still up to date and relevant is really important.

March is Autoimmune Disease Awareness Month

March is Autoimmune Disease Awareness Month, which is important and relevant to many of us with hypothyroidism.

This is because 90% of us with hypothyroidism also have the autoimmune disease Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis.

Read and share this information here.


The Thyroid Tests You Need Doing This Month

The luckier thyroid patients among us may manage to get them to test two or three, but rarely are all five checked routinely. The problem with this? We’re not getting the full picture of our thyroid health, including whether we’re bring optimally treated and on a path back to good health with a thyroid condition.

Read this post here.

Thyroid Hormone Resistance

Thyroid hormone resistance (THR) is a rare genetic condition.

It occurs when the body doesn’t respond ‘normally’ to hormones produced by the thyroid gland.

This condition may be suspected when someone’s Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) level is not responding to an increase in thyroid medication, or their doctor suspects they are not absorbing their medication.

Read this new article here.


10 Ways To Solve Thyroid Fatigue

Fatigue is by far the most complained of thyroid symptom.

Many of us experience this heavy, indescribable fatigue before diagnosis of hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s, and for many, it may not entirely go away once on thyroid medication either. Why?

Read it here.

The Most Popular Post from My Instagram page in The Last Fortnight:

The Most Popular Reels From My Instagram page in The Last Fortnight:

How Long Does It Take for Thyroid Medication to Work?

Receiving a diagnosis for hypothyroidism or an underactive thyroid, Hashimoto’s, subclinical or borderline hypothyroidism, can create a whole mix of emotions.

I have people asking me:

“I’ve just started thyroid medication. How long will it take me to feel well again?”

“When will I feel better?”

“When will I be back to normal?”

Read this article.

This is where I share my favourite thyroid health supporting tools and resources every fortnight. 😊

📖 Book: This Book May Save Your Life by Dr Karan Rajan

Full of lessons and health hacks from Dr Rajan's years working on hospital wards, I enjoyed this book. Especially all the gut health info!

👂 Podcast Episode: Your Thyroid, Fertility and Pregnancy - Fempower Podcast

In this podcast episode, Dr. Katie Rothwell, thyroid expert, shares her expertise on all things thyroid health and pregnancy. She covers how to understand your thyroid levels in pregnancy, ideal thyroid levels for fertility, and what women should consider when trying to conceive if they have a diagnosed thyroid condition.

🥘 Recipe: Gluten and Dairy-Free Carbonara

Everyone loved this recipe last week. Becky Excell's cookbooks are amazing. I'm GF and my husband is DF and her recipes make dinners so easy for catering to us both.

You can read more on my approach to diet / dietary changes with thyroid disease here.

🧪 Test: Iron

Did you know that many people with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s also have low iron levels?

Low levels of iron can mimic a lot of the same symptoms of a thyroid condition, such as:

The test I personally use to check my iron is this one from Medichecks.

💙 Self-Care Nugget: My Article: 5 Ways To Practise Thyroid Self-Care

I have recently updated this article! Please take a look.

🌟 Other things I'm loving at the moment:

That's all for this issue of The Thyroid Family Newsletter, but you can find more information and support:

⭐ In my website articles

⭐ In my books

⭐ In the 'Thyroid Family' Facebook Support Group

⭐ On my Facebook | Instagram | Threads | Twitter

Keep an eye out for the next issue in two weeks' time!

Rachel Hill, The Invisible Hypothyroidism

Please Note: None of the statements in this publication should be taken as an official endorsement of any particular product, including any sponsored content. I strongly suggest consulting your doctor before making any changes to your lifestyle or health regimen. The information included in this publication is not meant to substitute the clinical guidance provided by a healthcare professional. Rachel Hill / The Invisible Hypothyroidism is not medically qualified and does not offer medical advice. Read the full disclaimer here. By reading this newsletter, you agree to understanding this information.

This newsletter may also contain affiliate links where I earn a small commission if you purchase through it. This does not change the way I work or the products I link to, and it doesn’t change your user experience. To find out more information, please read my disclosure statement. For example, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Copyright © 2023 The Invisible Hypothyroidism. All rights reserved.

Hi! I'm Rachel.

I run the Thyroid Family Newsletter. A two weekly newsletter for thyroid patients providing news, research, advice, tips and discounts in the thyroidsphere, to help them on their journey to better health from an award winning thyroid patient advocate.

Read more from Hi! I'm Rachel.

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